Wednesday, April 25, 2012

How To Act Like Princess

If your father is the King, you are a princess. My Father's The King of Kings, Lord of Lords. Each Saturday, neighborhood girls come to my home to hear a story from Bible, make crafts or cook. We learn from girls and women in the Bible. Not all are good, but we can learn something from all of them. They dealt with the same issues these girls face today. In this country, girls are undervalued and boys are prized. Boys most often get the better education. While women have advanced significantly in this country, holding high political positions, and advanced degrees, some things just have not changed much. I feel led to encourage these girls that God has a wonderful plan for their lives, that through Christ, they can achieve anything, that they are remarkably and wonderfully made, and no one is just like them. I want to encourage their mothers to raise godly young women of good moral character, contributing members of their community, and loved for the precious gifts they are. 
This week we learned lessons from an orphan girl raised by her cousin, who was in a unique position to save her people. And she did just that. Esther fasted and prayed, and God heard her, and gave her the courage to do what needed to be done. From Esther's life we can learn:
1. God is in control.
2. Even when we don't have courage, God can give it to us.
3. God has a plan for our lives.
It seems most little girls want to be a princess, so I searched for lists on the internet, then compiled this one:
How To Act Like a Princess
1. Be gracious- be grateful and thankful to God for what you have. Don't judge others.
2. Be patient and kind. Gandhi sais, "Whenever possible,be kind, and it is always possible.
3. Be a lady -never forget your manners.
4. Be confident- hold your head high, and stand up for what you believe.
5. Be respectful of your parents and other elders.
6. Be helpful- especially whose who can't help themselves.
7. Be a loyal friend- to have good friends, you must first be a good friend.
8. Be yourself at home but in public be on your best behavior, with your best smile, best manners, and best posture.
9. Be charitable -give cheerfully to others.
10. Dress modestly, elegantly with simple accessories and suimple make-up. 
11. Sing- it puts you in a good mood. 

 Working on their notebooks

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