What better time to share the GOOD NEWS of JESUS CHRIST than the season we celebrate His birth? What better time to tell the TRUE meaning of Christmas? What better time to teach about the RESURRECTION? If Jesus had not resurrected from the dead, we would not be celebrating His birth! What better time to reach out to neighbors, strangers and the poor? Blessings abound!
I spent weeks discerning God's plans for this month. I don't want to miss an opportunity to share about our SAVIOR. God gave us the GREATEST GIFT of all -His Son Jesus Christ, who paid the penalty for our sins and took our punishment on the cross so many years ago. He lived, He died, He was buried, and on the third day he ROSE again from the dead and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He has promised those of us who believe only in HIM that we have the GIFT of ETERNAL LIFE. What better reason to celebrate?
Below are some photos from recent celebrations. Please pray for the people you see:
Candlelight Caroling Service at Christ Church. |
Moms and Friends Christmas Party -receiving NTs for their gift! I also gave them a list of all the women we've studied and where to find their stories. Mary Magdalene's stories helped illustrate the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. |
The ladies brought different regional foods. They told me to bake a cake and cookies. |
Enjoying the delicious food. I made a Birthday bundt cake for Jesus. |
At another celebration in a nearby town, I helped the ladies make Christmas story bracelets. I also gave them gospel bracelets to help them share the story. |
These ladies learned how to share the Christmas Story orally. Now they have two bracelets to help. |
Big Girls Bible Club members were allowed to bring their siblings and family members to their party. I had a mom read the story through first in Hindi, because some of the siblings don't understand English well yet. Then, with a few pillow cases, ribbon, kurtas, and a lot of duppattas, we had costumes to act out the first Christmas.
The angel visits the shepherds with the Good News. The little ones played the sheep! |
The shepherds come to adore the baby Jesus. |
Mary and Joseph are visited by three wise men. |
Awwww, what a cute little black sheep lovin' on the baby Jesus! |
After hearing the whole story of Jesus Christ, the kids acted out the story of the FIRST Christmas, then made a nativity craft.
The older kids made nativity ornaments from kits donated by faithful friends. Thank you! |
Other kids made foam craft nativity after hearing the story of the first Christmas, and acting it out as well. |
We played a pass-the-gift game, "Christmas With the Right Family." |
Goodies for our Jesus Birthday Party. All recipes are eggless: Christmas cupcakes, eggless sugar cookies, and Christmas fudge. |
Today was also Tanya's birthday. She loved it that we sang to her, and she got to blow out a candle. I gave her new crayons and a Bible Story Coloring book. She likes to color just like me! I color my prayers every day! |
Jyoti's beautiful daughters came over Sunday to bake for the Women's Self-Help Social Welfare party on Mondday. |
Again, all eggless treats. |
Jyoti thought there would be six children but only one came to the Women's Self-Help Social Welfare Association celebration. We shared the whole gospel story in several ways: through reading from the Bible, through storying, games, symbols and traditions, songs, and crafts. |
Playing Bingo with symbols of Christmas |
Thanks to those who provided the craft kits. The ladies enjoyed making the nativity craft. |
Amrita helped me share the Story and lead songs. |
Proud of her craft -a reminder of God's Greatest Gift! |
Sining Happy Birthday to Jesus before we eat. |
A common activity at Asian parties is to have guests sing a song. Just about everybody sang a song -not Christmas. |
Each lady received a gospel story bracelet and practiced sharing the meaning of the colors. Some asked for two to give away. That's the point! SHARE! |
Thank you, God, tat I had enough voice to speak at the party. Great opportunities to share His Story and His love. I pray each of these ladies will some day choose to follow Him. I just love Christmas!!!