Sunday morning, we returned to the church on top of the mountain which meets in the YWCA. A few weeks ago, I was asked to trained their two children's workers as they were restarting their Children's Church. I thought I had done a good job, making planning sheets, showing them how to use the many materials they had, making suggestions, and modeling one Sunday. The very next Sunday, they had no plan. Same for the next two. When they passed by me as they took the children out, they asked me to please come teach. So, I did.
I told them the story (with translation for some of the kids) from Genesis chapter 3. Afterward, I had the teacher read it in Hindi from the Bible, and the kids acted it out. The other teacher was the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. The little girl in green was the serpent.
The girls with their hands up are the bushes that Adam (in orange) and Eve hid behind after they realized they were naked! Yes, Children's Church was outside. With the monkeys scampering by on occasion.
This little guy is looking for his class.
The nursery.
Cute? Try scary! They are a nuisance, aggressive, and very noisy. I have to chase them out of the way so we can get to church and out again. Jerry is afraid of them-for good reason!
Anyway, I will try again to help the teachers make a plan. They want help with their Christmas plans as well. Between them, Children's Home, and my home groups, I will be VERY busy preparing for Christmas, but I wouldn't have it any other way!
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