Wednesday, April 25, 2012

How To Act Like Princess

If your father is the King, you are a princess. My Father's The King of Kings, Lord of Lords. Each Saturday, neighborhood girls come to my home to hear a story from Bible, make crafts or cook. We learn from girls and women in the Bible. Not all are good, but we can learn something from all of them. They dealt with the same issues these girls face today. In this country, girls are undervalued and boys are prized. Boys most often get the better education. While women have advanced significantly in this country, holding high political positions, and advanced degrees, some things just have not changed much. I feel led to encourage these girls that God has a wonderful plan for their lives, that through Christ, they can achieve anything, that they are remarkably and wonderfully made, and no one is just like them. I want to encourage their mothers to raise godly young women of good moral character, contributing members of their community, and loved for the precious gifts they are. 
This week we learned lessons from an orphan girl raised by her cousin, who was in a unique position to save her people. And she did just that. Esther fasted and prayed, and God heard her, and gave her the courage to do what needed to be done. From Esther's life we can learn:
1. God is in control.
2. Even when we don't have courage, God can give it to us.
3. God has a plan for our lives.
It seems most little girls want to be a princess, so I searched for lists on the internet, then compiled this one:
How To Act Like a Princess
1. Be gracious- be grateful and thankful to God for what you have. Don't judge others.
2. Be patient and kind. Gandhi sais, "Whenever possible,be kind, and it is always possible.
3. Be a lady -never forget your manners.
4. Be confident- hold your head high, and stand up for what you believe.
5. Be respectful of your parents and other elders.
6. Be helpful- especially whose who can't help themselves.
7. Be a loyal friend- to have good friends, you must first be a good friend.
8. Be yourself at home but in public be on your best behavior, with your best smile, best manners, and best posture.
9. Be charitable -give cheerfully to others.
10. Dress modestly, elegantly with simple accessories and suimple make-up. 
11. Sing- it puts you in a good mood. 

 Working on their notebooks

Sunday, April 22, 2012

How Shall They Hear?

"But how can they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how can they believe without hearing about Him ? And how can they hear without a preacher? (Romans 10:14) This verse came to mind as I realized that the young man who sat next to me in church this morning could not hear. He had come to the English service of the old Anglican church left from the days of the British. He had an English language Bible with some verses highlighted in yellow. Throughout the service, I tired to help him keep up with where we were in the order of service, and in the hymnal. Somehow, he had heard and had chosen to follow Christ. How can they hear...? Another verse came to me: " But be ye doers of the Word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves (James 1:22)." I know something about not understanding what people are saying. Though I am hearing, I could relate to this young man. I am so thankful that someone along the way communicated the gospel with him. Perhaps it was through their actions. People communicate with me all day long through their actions, and it isn't always positive. In my own country, Christians have gotten a bad rap because their actions often speak louder than their words. If I didn't think I could share the Good News through my life, I wouldn't be here. Many people hear the Word, but don't believe it. And often it is because of the one delivering the Word. Is there something in my behavior standing in the way of someone hearing, understanding and believing God's Word? Is my lifestyle sharing the gospel on a daily basis? 
All over the world there are non-hearing people, and there are those who are dedicated to making sure that those without hearing have a chance to "hear" the gospel. If that young man didn't see Jesus in me this morning, I am not being a doer of the Word. And what about the people on the bus? What about the hawkers who sell their wares on burlap sacks on Sundays? 
That young man was a reminder that people "hear" the gospel in different ways. We are called to share with people of all tribes -even the deaf tribe. How wonderful to hear them sing one day before the throne of Christ!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Ladies' Meeting in SJ

What a blessing! Today marked the first time we've met together since the winter break. What a difference from Tuesday's group! These ladies love the Lord. They range in ages from about 22 to 60. About half are illiterate, but they all love the Lord. What a joy spending some time with them!
I shared the story of Hannah, and lessons we could learn from her. For our activity, I had a Bible Quiz Game. We divided the ladies into two groups. I had two rounds of ten questions each, then the championship round. Thanks for friends from the US I had prizes. It was great because each team won one round. Th ladies seemed to love it. They said they learned a lot from the questions.
Next month, we'll learn from a different woman of the Bible, and have another game of Bible Quiz.
I took a taxi there, but tried to take two buses back. I waited 45 minutes for the second bus because all of them were so crowded. It was a bit chilly standing out on the mountainside, waiting for that bus. I finally got on one, but never got a seat. My arm kept hitting a lady in the back of the head. Oops. My knees were killing me, I lost my balance, but my spirit was so high it didn't matter. I love these mountains. I love these people. I love that God has me here. He made me beautiful feet.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


This may come as a surprise, but sometimes people who do what I do get annoyed, and sometimes we feel alone, and we get frustrated, and sometimes we feel we're not making enough of a difference. When these feelings all occur on the same day it's not good. But the sun always rises the next day, and we grow in faith, patience, and grace. I'm just thankful these days don't come more often.

 No, the morning did not go well for me. I have to keep the Big Picture in mind, and focus on things eternal. And of all days, they stayed for hours. Did I mention it was gray and rainy? PTL for my dark chocolate stash from Yvonne, and some sweet messages from friends. I am so thankful for my Creator and my support system.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Big Girls Learn From Hannah

The Big Girls Bible Club was a small group on Saturday. I thought due to the downpour, but I found out six or seven of the girls were on a school trip. So, I changed my craft to one that I only had enough for eight -sun catchers. The girls seemed to like painting them, in hopes of returning sunshine! 

1. Marry wisely
2. Pray
3. Don't return wrong for wrong
4. God has a plan for your life
5. Keep your promises
6. Be a good girl (moral purity):
       a. Don't gossip
       b. dress modestly (don't show everything you have or don't have)
       c. use nice words

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Moms and Friends Learn From Hannah

The neighborhood ladies returned today to learn lessons from Hannah, in I Samuel 1-2:10. Hannah chose wisely when she married a godly man in Elkanah, but I cannot imagine being one of TWO wives! These ladies in India couldn't either. Dealing with the proverbial mother-in-law issues is enough, but another wife? The other wife, Penninah, was blessed with both sons and daughters, and she didn't let Hannah forget it. Hannah was barren. Her heart ached for a child. In those days there was quite a stigma attached to being barren -not honoring your husband with a son. This still exists in Asia, especially China, where daughters are killed or abandoned in favor of sons. But Hannah trusted in God. She did not retaliate Penninah's meanness, but took her sorrow to God. Every year for Passover, Elkinah took the whole family to Shiloh, where Eli was high priest. Elkinah tried to comfort Hannah in her sadness by giving her a double portion for the sacrifice, but he just didn't get it. Every year Hannah had to listen to Penninah thank God for all her wonderful little blessings, when she had none. She was so distraught she couldn't eat the fabulous festival foods. She returned to the tabernacle to cry out to God. From the depths of her heart, she prayed and unloaded her burden on a God who cares. She promised that if God would grant her the desire of her heart, she would give her son to Him in service all the days of his life. He would be raised a Nazerite - one set apart for God, who would not drink wine, and no razor would touch his head. Eli, the priest, could see her there -her lips moving but no words coming out. He jumps to the conclusion that she is drunk and calls her down for it. Hannah doesn't tell him what she was praying about, only that she was indeed sober, just heavily burdened. Eli tells her that God has heard her and would grant her petition. Her burden eased since she had left it with God, Hannah begins to eat and feel better.
After returning home, she loved her husband, and nine months later she welcomed the desire of her heart! She named him Samuel, "heard of God." She stayed home when the others went to Shiloh for Passover until Samuel was weaned. Then, she prepared to return him to God. Can you imagine giving up the desire of your heart once you finally get it? Keeping one's vows in those days was very important, and Hannah did just that. After he was weaned, she took Samuel to Eli. She had made a little robe and ephod for him. Every year when she returned, she gave him a new set of clothes she had made for him. Samuel grew up to be a wonderful servant of God, a priest, a prophet, and a judge. She gave heartfelt thanks to God in a beautiful prayer. God granted Hannah more sons and daughters, honoring her great sacrifice in giving her son back to Him.
The moms can learn many lessons from Hannah, like being a woman of prayer and taking your burdens to God. Like not returning mistreatment for mistreatment, and keeping your promises. Like being a woman of good moral character. All children are God's, and are to be loved, nurtured, and cherished, and should be raised to serve God their Father. For most of these women, this is a strange concept, but they do want to raise their daughters to be of good moral character.
Hannah lived thousands of years ago and yet she faced many of the same issues these women face. I am thankful we have the women of the Bible to learn from.
FOr snack today, I made a cheese ball and crackers.

Shred 2 cups of cheese. I used cheddar and Gouda. Reserve 1/2 cup for covering. Mix one (room temperature) package or tub of cream cheese, 1-2 tablespoons of Worcestershire sauce, and 1 1/2 cups of shredded cheese. Refrigerate till cold. Roll in a ball, then roll in the remaining shredded cheese. Refrigerate until serving. Serve with crackers.
 Today the ladies started making their rope baskets from rope and fabric strips.

 We used 6 meters of rope, and tore strips across the grain about an inch wide.
 We used a tapestry needle to thread the loops together.
We'll finish up next week.

Breast Cancer Awareness Training in J Village

Monday, S, Nan, and two others from their church went with me to J village about an hour and 15 minutes around the mountain from here. We waited while they changed from working in the fields.
 It was so beautiful and pleasant outside! I loved it out there.

 Saw a little critter in a tree.
 Nan and friend demonstrate the breast self-examination.
These are some of the ladies as they listened. Only the hostess is a believer. The others said they don't believe in anything. Nan shared the creation to Christ story, and S shared how they could become followers of Jesus. They invited us back next month! They also asked us to tell the children about Jesus, so we are planning a children's program as well! GOD IS GOOD! Thanks for praying. Tomorrow's (Wednesday) program is postponed.

Monday, April 09, 2012


He is Risen!! Alleluia! What a wonderful, blessed day! I celebrated with Pastor M's church, and shared a message. A women was obviously in severe pain. They let her lie on the floor with her head on someone's lap. Pastor M prayed for her. Later, others did as well. This lady could barely walk and it made me hurt just to watch her! Well, after prayer they had her doing deep knee bends! And she stopped crying! PRAISE GOD! After lunch, Nan went home with me to help prepare for today's Easter Celebration for the Kids from Grace Home. What fun! Twenty kids and four adults.
 Morning service at MP's church
 Vic plays the drum

 Listening to the Easter Story

 Craft time

 Egg dying

 Egg hunt

 The kids decorated eggs
 Bunny cake

 Nan and Prabha help fix plates

 Gift Time

 What a wonderful day! 
I have a training tomorrow in a village not too far away. Thanks for your prayers!

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Moms and Friends Easter Party

I decided to use my homemade Resurrection Eggs to share the story along with a new book a friend sent me (thanks, Greg). In each egg, I had a verse to go with the item. I passed around the eggs until they were all gone. I called out the egg color and whoever had it opened it and read the verse in Hindi from the Bible. I shared the pictures from the book.
 My entry way. The hanging batik is from China. The tablecloth batik is from Sri Lanka.
 Making lemon bundt cake.

 Looking up the verses.

 I don't like the screen I had made so I draped a bunch of my dupattas on it!

 I explained the tradition of coloring eggs, and how they symbolize the New Life we can have in Jesus Christ. We used some food coloring, plus we used some natural dyes such as tumeric and coriander.
Here are the symbols and verses I used in the eggs:
1. Palm leaf -Matt. 21:1-11
2. Perfumed cotton ball - John 12:2-8
3. bread - Matt. 26:17-19
4. coins - Matt 27:3 
5. cross - John 19:17
6. thorny vine -John 19:2
7. purple cloth -John 19:23
8. nails -John 19: 18, 37
9. Q-tip - Matt. 27:34
10. cloves, cinnamon, cardamon -John 19:40
11. flat stone - Luke 24:1-2
12. empty - Luke 24:3-6
13. a piece of linen - John 20:6-7
14. a fish - Luke 24: 41-43
15. world map - Matt. 28:19-20
16. polyester fiberfill for clouds -Acts 1:1-11
After we finished the Story, I told them I had hidden 16 eggs. Oh my goodness! They were so excited! Inside was a slip of paper with their prize written on it. I gave nail files, notebooks, floss, and candy.
Is anybody reading this? Sure wish I could get some comments.