Saturday, April 30, 2011

BGBC Lessons Learned From the Sick Woman

We don't know this courageous woman's name, but Jesus addressed her as "daughter," and told her that her faith had healed her. For twelve years she had suffered physically, by bleeding, emotionally by not being able to serve guests, go to someone else's home, sitting on someone else's chair, and socially, by being shunned by everyone. She had heard about Jesus's healing ministry. She was determined as she fought her way through the pressing crowd to get to Jesus. She knew in her heart if she could just touch the hem of his cloak she would be healed. The moment she did so, she felt in her body that she was completely healed. Jesus felt the power leave Him, and asked who had touched Him. The woman came forward and explained about her condition, and that she had been healed. I pray that the girls will realize that faith, determination and courage can change their lives.
 Isha, playing Jesus, is followed by His disciples and th ecrowds.
 "Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace."
 Making laced lanyards.

Lacing the lanyards was pretty challenging for most of the girls, but some were able to do the circle pattern.

Moms and Friends

 This week, Mary Beth was visiting her friends L & L, and wanted to meet some local ladies. She shared her personal story with the ladies and a discussion ensued. Timple and Mona appreciated hearing Mary Beth's story. They are both devout Hindus, but Timple enjoys listening to Joyce Meyers on TV. Timple even gave Mary Beth a gift! Next week, we'll get to the story of the sick woman in Matt. 5.
For our craft, the ladies made earrings or necklaces. I pray for the day they realize the precious jewels they are in God's eyes.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Big Girls Bible Club Easter Celebration

Right after the Grace Home party, the Big Girls came for their Easter party. Instead of using the Story Bag to tell His Story, I used homemade Resurrection Eggs. I let the girls each choose some eggs and open them to reveal the contents as we went along. They seem to enjoy opening the eggs, and trying to tell what the symbol reminded us of in Jesus' story.
 "What's in the egg?"
 Judas betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.
 The empty egg reminds of the empty tomb. "He is Risen! Just as He said. Go quickly and tell His disciples."
 The contents of the eggs
 Thank you Aunty Marilyn and Aunty Sarah for sending the "He's Alive" bookmark kits.

 Displaying their finished bookmarks. Prayerfully, they will take to heart His message and someday soon choose to follow Jesus.
 "You came from heaven to earth to show the way."
 Keeping with our new life theme, I made butterflies from the Tootsie Pops the guys gave me.
I was so happy to find lilies at one of the two flower shops in town. Felt like Easter. I am so thankful I could share the true meaning of this most special holiday with the neighborhood girls and their moms.
He is risen!!! Alleluia!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Grace Home Easter Celebration

The kids came back, twenty of them, including two visiting cousins of Christy who don't speak Hindi OR English. I used very visual things, so they got the message, I think. I used an Easter Story bag, given to me by Beth S. As I told Jesus's Story, I turned the bag inside out and it was another color, starting with purple, then black, red, white, and yellow. I also had pictures in the Story Bible. Thanks to Aunty Marilyn and Aunty Sarah I had sticker sheets for the little ones to make the Resurrection scene. It helped keep them focused. There are six new ones, mostly very young. Some of the older ones were very helpful.
Praise the Lord, J. and C. came to help me! I had back to back parties. The guys helped with crafts, snacks, the egg hunt, and gift distribution.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Moms and Friends Learn About the Samaritan Woman

I was thrilled when two ladies showed up Thursday for the Moms and Friends Bible Club. I got to share the entire story of Christ and Resurrection Day, or Easter as we call it in the west. I much prefer Resurrection Day. I told them I wanted them to understand my most Holy Day. The locals explain their holy days to me, so I return the favor! And this is THE best day ever! The resurrection of Christ is at the very heart of what we believe as followers of Jesus.
After sharing the Good News, I told them about the Samaritan woman and her encounter with Jesus. I shared with them what I shared with their daughters, but with different applications.
After prayer time, Jing taught them to make a mint salad. She washed and trimmed mint leaves and added quartered and sliced tomatoes, quartered and sliced onions, chopped green chillies, and lemon juice. She also added a little soy sauce and tossed. I love this salad. The ladies use mint for chutney but weren't used to eating the whole leaves.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Big Girls Bible Club Lessons Learned From the Woman at the Well

When Jesus spoke with the Samaritan woman at the well, He crossed all barriers -social, gender, caste...The girls learned that that Jesus came for everyone. He came for them. The woman had two stories to tell: her story and His story. We do, too. Resurrection Day is just one week away, so I wanted to share more of His story. We continue to look at women in the Bible who help us get to know more about God. We continue to learn lessons from their lives.

 Thanks, Aunty Marilyn and Aunty Sarah, for the ring kit.

 This cutie came with her friends, Muskan.

 Making Jello Jigglers.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Victorious English School

So, I finally made it back to KG in apple country to help Bill and Rae with the little school. It's a long, hard journey. My Chinese goddaughter, Deborah, and my dog went with me. It's still quite cold in the mountains. The apple trees are just budding, so I didn't get to see the apple blossoms there.
The kids remembered Aunty. They are still singing the songs and saying the chants and rhymes I taught last time. I taught more. I was at school every day trying to get the rooms to look more like classrooms were children were busy learning. Bill has asked me to help with the pre-school and kdg. program. I really wanted to help more in class 1-class 4, but just not enough time.
Thanks in part to donations from Sarah and friends in NC, and Aunty Glenda, the rooms look a lot better. The kids were thrilled with all of the supplies. Setting up centers helped the teachers be able to teach a few at a time. They loved the kitchen set, all the puzzles, the play dough, the flashcards, the colored paper, the math manipulatives, and the white board markers! I also used a lot of paper donated by Greg and friends in GA. They are still using the supplies they sent. Aunty Marilyn and Aunty Sarah sent some spring scenes which the first through fourth classes loved.
The new pre-nursery(2.6-3.6 years old) and nursery(3.6-4.6) class teacher was very open to help, and worked very hard to learn about all the new materials. I held trainings over several days, and demonstrated every day. Rae is teaching kdg. Bill is (attempting) to teach first and second. His sister-in-law is another new teacher, teaching third and fourth -with a three month-old baby in her lap! The school is up to 30 now! Another donation allowed them to buy some new plastic chairs.
They still need fencing, but we were able to meet the need of a water purifier. Slowly, the school is taking shape.
 Thank you Sarah and friends!
 Thank you Aunty Glenda!
Some books I ordered to help me prepare.
 This is Ren, the new pre-nursery and nursery teacher. The kids had no chairs, and the walls were bare except for things I did with the kids last year. The new school term began March 10.
 This day, third and fourth were in with first and second because the teacher didn't come for grades 3 & 4.
 Rae holding 15 month-old Pallu. Yes, it is challenging having her around the school, but Rae and Bill now live upstairs.
Bill teaching, using what they had for a "white" board.
 This puzzle is now a floor mat for center time.
 First-grader using one of the math tools sent from GA. They did not know their facts. This was a great help, as well as the colored discs and Unifix cubes.
 Kitchen corner.
 Kindergarteners loved the playdough. They made snakes and balls.
 Tracing and coloring circles. Thanks for the paper.
 Kindergarteners cutting circles. Deborah tries to help with this new skill.
 Tracing and painting circles- a first for them.
 Reading books at the new table I brought.
 Playing with the kitchen set. These two in front are the youngest -not yet 3.
 Here's an after shot with the number wall. Now there are some red painted circles on it as well.
Here's an after shot with the new white board, calendar, weather song, and weather signs.
 The view.
Morning assembly.
 Pallu, fifteen months old.
 The school.
 Playing with the new blocks.

 This is Joey, Pallu's three month-old cousin, and son of the thrid and fourth grade teacher.

 Our room: Deborah, Marley, me and the mice

Pallu playing around on our bed.

On the return trip home, we got to see some apple trees in bloom. The skies were clear, but it was cold! Bill and Rae hitched a ride with us, so it was crowded coming home. I' would have loved to have stayed longer, but Bill and Rae needed to come to town to buy new uniforms for the new students.
I'd love to have some comments. I wonder if anybody reads my blog.