Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Eve

It's trying to snow, but it isn't sticking. It's too wet. I've heard from Bill in Apple Country and he has three feet of snow! It's c-o-l-d! Bill and I are making plans for the new school year beginning in February. I am working on the preschool curriculum, and he will take care of grade one through four. They signed the lease for the next five years to include the first floor as well as the ground floor. All of it needs painting. The rooms upstairs need to be prepared. The parents really want him to fence in the yard. And, they are praying for a school vehicle. This will greatly increase the potential number of students. It will also be a source of income during school hours and school holidays, as there are so few taxis in the village.
Depending on road conditions, two colleagues and i plan to go the second week of February. I will be training the new teachers, and visiting the women's groups in the area. By helping the school I am helping Bill and his ministry. The school has opened many doors.
Stay safe tonight! God bless you! Thanks for reading my blog and praying for the people with beautiful feet and those they meet.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Children's Home Christmas Party

Christmas Eve my home was full of precious kids from Grace Home around the corner. Most are semi-orphans, meaning they have one parent or family member, but they are unable to care for them. Some have no-one. What a blessing to have them here and share Christmas!

 Eating Chinese - chowmein, fried rice, soup, dumplings, chicken...
 Happy birthday Jesus!
 After eating LOTS of Chinese food, we had birthday cakes and other sweets.

 Little angels helping in the kitchen.
 The girls did a performance for "Aunty."
 Receiving their gifts.

 Receiving their Children's Bibles.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Blessings

It's been fun having Bill, Rae, her sister Su, and her brother Desi with me for Christmas. We went to church on the mall today, one of my pastor friend's. He invited us to stay for lunch. Bill and Rae shared briefly about their work in their district, and sang a song. For lunch the non vegetarians had chicken curry. Su and I both being vegetarians had the paneer curry, alloo gobi (potato and cauliflower) and puri (a puffy friend bread). It was delicious. After church we met up with Rae's brother.
 Pastor Ajay with Bill and Rae.
 AT starting time, the church was almost empty but 45 minutes later it was packed!
 Pallu with a sugar cookie to try to keep her quiet!
 The mall, jam-packed and jelly-tight!
 Rae with her sister Su (left).
 These pastors were handing out Bibles.
 These guys in tai kwon do outfits had people sit in a chair and then they blew on them and moved their hands over them -for less than a minute. The people paid for this, supposedly for some health benefit.
 Rae's brother Desi with his niece, Pallu.

 The family in front of CHrist Church up on the ridge.
 Su, opening her gifts.
 Bill with his 4GB data traveler.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Book Review: Dining with Joy by Rachel Hauck, Thomas Nelson, publisher

If you enjoy cooking shows, clean romances, and southern settings, Dining with Joy is a good choice. Joy Ballard is the comedic host of a local cooking show, which the producer convinced her to take over after her father's death. One major problem, despite the fact that Joy grew up watching her father cook and develop recipes, she was NOT a true foodie. Joy's kitchen cabinet containing Pop Tarts and Spaghettios is reflective of her talent for cooking. After three years, the producer retires and Wild Woman productions takes over -not knowing Joy's secret. Hunk Luke Redmond moves south after having to close his restaurant up north, and joins the newly syndicated show as co-host. Jealous host of a cook-off show, Wenda Devine, seeks to trap Joy into revealing the truth. In the process, Joy learns Truth about God's love and goodness.
At first I was extremely skeptical about the premise that someone who grew up watching her father cook could not actually follow a recipe. Then I remember times I forgot a boiling egg and it redecorated my kitchen, or mixed up corn syrup and corn oil and had disintegrating frosting (okay, I was 12), and I opened my mind a bit more. Would Luke be able to save Joy? Would he get his restaurant back? I found myself rapidly reading this light romantic fare to discover the answer, and ended up enjoying the book.
This book was provided by Thomas Nelson publishers for the purpose of review. The opinions are my own.

Big Girls Bible Club Christmas Party

Fifteen of the girls, and six siblings and five moms came to the Happy Birthday, Jesus party yesterday. We sang the songs they have been learning: "Go Tell it on the Mountain," and "The Virgin Mary had a Baby Boy," and a few others. I told the story of creation to Christ. Through the lives of the women we have studied, the girls know how sin came into the world, and why the world needed a savior. Jesus was the sacrificial Lamb for our sins. Jesus came for the whole world -not the US. If it weren't for His resurrection, we wouldn't be celebrating His birth. After telling about the Redemptive Christ, I told the story of the first Christmas. A friend sent nativity sticker sets for the party guests to follow the story with.
I had to explain the white faces!
They made ornaments to help them remember the significance of Christmas. The little ones made sticker pictures.
We played some games that helped them learn the meaning of the CHristmas symbols.
Several of the girls came on Friday to help prepare some baked goodies. I bought the traditional plum cake, as I don't know how to make it.
What a blessing it is to share the True meaning of Christmas with my Hindu, Sikh, and Buddhist neighbors. What a joy to give them the opportunity to choose Christ as their Savior. What an awesome gift it is to present the girls with beautiful children's Bibles, and see them eagerly begin to read. I don't have time to be homesick when I am sharing Christmas right where I am. Go, tell. That is the point, isn't it?

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Big Girls Bible Club Review

Four new girls came yesterday! We played a review game to see how much the girls had retained, and to help the new girls catch up. We have earned lessons from 15 women of the Bible. The girls shared which were their favorites. Deborah, Mary the mother of Jesus, and Mary Magdalene are among their favorites. We huddled in the small room for warmth, and sat on the floor. We practiced songs for Saturday's Jesus Birthday Party. Thank you to those who sent supplies and craft materials for my Christmas parties.
The girls made posters of their memory verse. "For unto us a child a born, unto us a Son is given, and the government shall be upon His shoulder; And His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Almighty God, Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace."
Making a special Christmas bracelet.
Making spicy wheat thins.

Group photo with their Scripture verse and bracelet.

Moms and Friends Learn About Mary of Magdala

The Moms and Friends learned many lessons from the devoted and faithful follower of Jesus, Mary Magdalene. She is mentioned in all of the gospels. I shared with the ladies how Jesus chose to reveal His resurrected self to a woman first. We talked about similar customs they have that Mary had in her day. Jesus told Mary to go and tell His apostles that He had risen!

AFter our study, we made chocolate balls. We were going to make cake, but the power went off, so, chocolate balls.
I explained all the symbols on my Jesus Tree. Hopefully, these ladies will coem to my Jesus' Birthday Party on Saturday.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Big Girls Bible Club Learn Lessons from Mary Magdalene

Mary of Magdala, was a faithful disciple of Jesus. He healed her of some unspecified disease. She supported his ministry financially and was probably the leader of the  group of women who traveled with Him. She was present at His crucifixion, and burial. She was the first to see the resurrected Christ, and was told to go tell others.
We sing first. They love "Lean on Me."
Making peanut butter fudge. I jar of peanut butter, 1 1/2 cups semi sweet chocolate - microwave for two minutes, stirring after one. Add one can of sweetened condensed milk and stir. Pour into a buttered 8 X 8 pan. Yum!
After learning about Mary Magdalene, and Christ's life, the girls made nativity scenes.
Thanks to a donation of old Christmas cards the girls had plenty to choose from to make cards for their family.
Didn't they do a beautiful job? Most important is understanding the true meaning of Christmas.